3W,5W,10W uv laser

20 und 35 Watt Grüne lasergeschnittene Spitzenunterwäsche vergilbt nicht

Aug 06 , 2021

20 und 35 Watt Grüne lasergeschnittene Spitzenunterwäsche vergilbt nicht


Im schwülen Sommer

Die Auswahl von Unterwäsche ist wirklich eine technische Aufgabe

Es muss bequem und atmungsaktiv sein, aber auch schön und schön

Als Nennwert der Unterwäscheindustrie——

Atmungsaktive, dünne und vielseitige Unterwäsche aus Spitze

Es ist eine Sommernotwendigkeit für viele Mädchen

Unterwäsche ist der "persönliche Begleiter" einer Frau

Und die zarte Spitze ist eher wie die zweite Haut einer Frau

Daher ist der empfindliche Grad des Schneidens von Spitzenstoffen sehr wichtig

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

The texture of lace as thin as cicada wings gives a hazy beauty

But thin fabrics are easy to snag with traditional cutting methods

And the processing speed is slow and the efficiency is low

Non-contact laser processing with high precision

The cut is smooth and clean

There will be no rough edges, burrs, etc.

Gentle care for women's delicate skin


There are tens of thousands of lace patterns, and there are many ways to express lace

Laser cutting can design drawings through computer software

Quickly complete cutting work on lace fabric

Sketch any lace shape at will

Create more levels of design possibilities for underwear

Bring your own fairy spirit when you wear it

Exuding the charm of women to the extreme


Lace is enduring in the unpredictable fashion trend

Advanced laser technology promotes lace underwear design

Constantly update and change, push to the forefront of fashion

1. Innovative technology research and development to avoid the problem of traditional laser cutting with yellow and black cutting edges.

2. High-performance motherboard, anti-interference, more sufficient data output, continuous engraving after power failure, and slope engraving.

3. Fast curve cutting function: Any curve can be cut quickly and continuously.

4. With power, frequency and speed following functions, it can effectively reduce corner cutting burrs; corner energy following technology makes sharp corner cutting technology more perfect.

5. The path optimization plan can be designed in the software according to the needs to shorten the processing time and improve the efficiency.

6. The processing efficiency of symmetrical laser cutting is doubled, and the cutting effect is uniform, so that all the goals of saving costs and increasing output are under control

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