3W,5W,10W uv laser

Das kundenspezifische 532-nm-Laserschneidspielzeug hat einen schlanken Punkt und einen starken Fokus

Sep 03 , 2021

Das kundenspezifische 532-nm-Laserschneidspielzeug hat einen schlanken Punkt und einen starken Fokus


Wie wir alle wissen, ist ein Spielzeug ein Typ, der über die Altersgrenze hinaus eine große Anzahl von Fans haben kann. Wann immer es attraktive Zeichentrickfiguren und Ereignisse von besonderem Wert und Bedeutung gibt, gibt es immer eine große Anzahl ähnlicher Spielzeuge auf dem Markt, die die Leute rechtzeitig unterhalten können. Richtig, der Rest des Essens. Spielzeug ist im Allgemeinen exquisit in der Verarbeitung und lebendig im Bild, wobei die Charaktere in drei Punkten dargestellt werden. Unabhängig davon, ob Spielzeug ein breites Publikum hat oder am beliebtesten ist, kann man sagen, dass es unzählige in allen Branchen gibt.

Die Quelle für Spielzeugmaterialien ist sehr breit gefächert. Metallspielzeug, Plastikspielzeug, Holz-, Bambusspielzeug, Stoffspielzeug, Papierspielzeug und Volksspielzeug usw., diese Spielzeuge decken fast alle Bereiche ab, von zum Spielen bis zur Wertschätzung, von Metall bis Nichtmetall. Spielzeug spielt die Rolle von Modellen, Möbeln, Puppen, Werkzeugen usw. Unter dem Einfluss der Aufwertung des RMB, der Rohstoffpreise, der Arbeitskosten und der zunehmend strengeren ausländischen Qualitätszertifizierungen sind die Produktionskosten der Gießereiunternehmen jedoch erheblich gestiegen. In Bezug auf Gießereiunternehmen mangelt es an Innovationsgeist und unabhängiger Forschung und Entwicklung, die Kundenstruktur ist einheitlich, und die operierende Branche ist einheitlich, was dazu führt, dass verschiedene Ressourcen nicht effektiv und umfassend genutzt werden können, wodurch die Unternehmensgewinne von OEM-Unternehmen fortgesetzt werden Abfall, was der Nachfrage nach Spielwaren auf dem Markt entspricht. Was den Wohlstand betrifft, sind es Welten.


Green laser cutting meets toy manufacturers


There are many reasons for this situation. First, the foundry companies do not have the spirit of innovation, do not know how to take advantage of the situation, and cannot grasp the trend of toy concepts in the fiercely competitive market, so that they are gradually eliminated; second, the production conditions are insufficient. In the current environment, many foundry companies' production techniques and production tools cannot meet the rapidly changing conditions of the toy market, and cannot meet the simultaneous processing of multiple toy materials in complex situations. Therefore, a processing machine that can not only meet the processing conditions but also meet the market development is particularly valuable.


Laser cutting machine specializing in processing toy materials


The toy automatic laser cutting machine is a series of laser cutting machines that specialize in processing toy materials. Among them, there are fabric laser cutting machines that can process plush cloth and other toy fabrics, and bamboo and wood laser cutting machines that can process bamboo and wood materials. Acrylic laser cutting machines for acrylic, plastic and other toy materials, and more importantly, there are metal laser cutting machines that can directly process metal materials. The negative pressure adsorption of these laser equipment and the crawler transfer worktable are convenient for feeding. With the intelligent processing of the camera, they can automatically form processing graphics to achieve fast and accurate cutting. The labor cost is greatly reduced, and the production benefit is very considerable.


The laser cutting machine has a slender spot and strong focus


The processing method of the laser cutting machine does not require direct contact with the object itself, and will not cause contact damage to the material. At the same time, the laser cutting machine has a slim spot, strong focus, and small thermal diffusion zone. It can selectively process the range and materials that need to be processed, avoiding material damage and improving the processing quality. This is the most important thing for toy materials. The importance of ensuring the precision and quality of toys is one of the prerequisites for toys to smooth the market. Therefore, the emergence of laser cutting machine is self-evident for toy processing. The functions of these models are similar. For example, the cutting of the plush fabric laser cutting machine is smooth, no flash, automatic closing, and no deformation. The original taste of the processed fabric is 100% restored. The cutting pattern of the metal laser cutting machine can be Through the intelligent design and output of the computer, the steps such as the model are omitted. Bamboo and wood laser cutting machine processing materials are free of burrs, hand injuries, intelligent typesetting, etc. These modern high-techs make toy laser cutting machines very popular among toy manufacturers, and foundry companies also like these with multiple processing functions and concurrent functions. Modern processing machine with intelligent helper.

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The processing flow of laser cutting machine to the market


While the laser machine is performing steadily, it slowly strengthens its pattern-making system. The pattern-making system is a preset mode that can be effectively combined with laser cutting. There is no need to output cardboard patterns during processing, just set Modifying a few numbers in good data can ensure the continuous operation of the equipment without stopping and waiting. At the same time, the pattern-making system can form left and right imaging functions, which can process left and right foot patterns at the same time, making full use of remaining waste and effectively reducing waste.

The emergence of toy laser cutting machines will definitely change the production method of the toy production chain, and will also have a certain impact on the structure of the entire toy market. The various functions of toy laser cutting machines make old machines slowly withdraw from the toy processing system. Instead, the laser cutting machine is in full swing in various processing lines of toy foundry companies. All kinds of toy materials flow to the market and every household through the processing of these laser cutting machines.

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