UV-Laser mit Wasserkühlsystem zur Kennzeichnung der Leiterplattenindustrie
Sep 13 , 2021
uv laser with water cooling system marking PCB board industry PCB board is a provider of electrical connections for electronic components. Almost every kind of electronic equipment, from electronic watches and calculators, to computers, communication electronic equipment, military weapon systems, as long as there are electronic components such as integrated circuits, must use PCB boards. Wi...
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Kundenspezifischer 532-nm-Lasergravur- und -schneideständer für Mobiltelefone
Sep 13 , 2021
Kundenspezifischer 532-nm-Lasergravur- und -schneideständer für Mobiltelefone Mit der rasanten Entwicklung der Hochtechnologie und der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung elektronischer Informationsprodukte sind Smartphones zu einem Muss für jeden geworden. Ob im Leben oder bei der Arbeit, Mobiltelefone spielen ihre einzigartige Rolle. Die Verwendung von Mobiltelefonen für Büroarbeit, Kommunikati...
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Grüne Laserdiode schneidet Gebäudemodelle schnell und präzise
Sep 14 , 2021
Green laser diode cuts building models quickly and accurately Architectural model is a bridge to put architectural ideas into practice In real estate, industry, teaching, urban planning and other fields Will have its presence Today's architectural models appear in many forms The use of different materials with laser technology Intuitive, three-dimensional, and vivid architectural planning m...
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355 nm Ultraviolett Lasergeschnittene Fahrradschutzplatte mit glatten Kanten
Sep 14 , 2021
355 nm Ultraviolett Lasergeschnittene Fahrradschutzplatte mit glatten Kanten Wenn immer mehr Menschen beginnen, umweltfreundliches Reisen auszuprobieren Dem Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken Fahrräder sind längst nicht mehr nur Transportmittel Verwandelt in eine Art der Bewegung und Lebenseinstellung Lasergeschnittenes Fahrradschild Begleitschutz für Ihre Sich...
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Hochfrequenzpulsierende Festkörperlaserschnitt-Kleidungsschablone wird nicht beschädigt
Sep 14 , 2021
High frequency pulsing solid state laser cutting garment template is not damaged With the rapid development of society and economy, all things are being updated and updated faster, and clothing is no exception. The fashion aesthetic of clothing changes from time to time, and rapid response orders in multiple batches and small batches have become the norm. Difficult recruitment, scarcity of ...
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UV-Laserdiode schneidet verschiedene Formen von Blattornamenten
Sep 14 , 2021
uv laser diode cuts different shapes of leaf ornaments In autumn, fallen leaves are the most eye-catching focus of beauty Die vom Herbstwind vorbeigezogenen Bäume fallen mit Blättern Sie winseln leicht in der Luft Flammende Ahornblätter, goldene Ginkgoblätter... Wie ein leichter und bequemer Schmetterling, aber auch wie ein tanzender Zauberer Lasergeschnittener Blattschmuck Frieren Sie dies...
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Der 5-Watt-UV-Laserschneidhut wird nicht gelb oder schwarz
Sep 14 , 2021
5 Watt uv laser cutting hat does not turn yellow or black There are many kinds of hats, including peaked caps, baseball caps, sun hats and so on. The laser-cut trademark woven labels, appliqués, and embroidery are decorated on the hats, giving the hats unique and innovative ideas. Especially for flower hats, laser-cut non-woven fabrics, felt, woolen, lace and other fabrics are made into flo...
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Diodengepumpter Festkörperlaser für hochpräzises elektrisches Schneiden und Markieren
Sep 15 , 2021
Diode pumped solid state laser high-precision cutting and marking electric heater It is late autumn and winter is approaching. Have you prepared warm clothes? In severe cold winters, I am most afraid of cold hands, and it is sometimes inconvenient to wear gloves. In order to keep the hands warm and flexible movement at the same time, electric heating treasure is the first choice of the publ...
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Grüner Lasermarkierer schneidet Unterwäschestoff, der Schnitt ist glatt und flach
Sep 15 , 2021
Green laser marker cuts underwear fabric, the cut is smooth and flat Underwear is clothing worn close to the body, including undershirts, vests, bras, etc., which are all clothing that directly touch the skin and are one of the clothing that modern people must wear. As far as personal wear is concerned, the selection of materials and production procedures for underwear are very important an...
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Uhr aus gütegeschaltetem Nanosekundenlaser aus Edelstahl mit Gravur
Sep 15 , 2021
nanosecond Q-switched lasers engraved stainless steel watch Time passes through a gap like a white horse, and it can pass quietly between your fingers, only the watch does. Watches are the product of the combination of fashion elements and precision machinery. For a dazzling array of watches, how to make your own more unique and unique? Simple, the laser engraving opportunity will bring you...
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Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für gängige kompakte Nanosekundenlaser mit hoher Wiederholrate zum Schneiden von Materialien
Sep 15 , 2021
Precautions for common compact high repetition rate nanosecond lasers cutting materials Laser cutting processing technology is widely used in the processing of metal and non-metal materials, which can greatly reduce processing time, reduce energy consumption, and improve technology. Specific attention should be paid to the following aspects: 1. Structural steel: Better results will b...
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Ultraviolette Laser hohle Ledertasche, hochwertige Gewinnverdoppelung
Sep 16 , 2021
Ultraviolet lasers hollow leather bag, high-grade profit double increase Shuttle in the crowd, all kinds of leather bags pass by us. Whether you are shopping for entertainment or going to work, you will inevitably be accompanied by a leather bag. Many people like to match the suitable leather bags in different seasons. Laser hollowed leather bags are the most popular styles As...
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