Neuester Blog
Hochfrequenzpulsierender Festkörperlaser 355nm Markierung auf Kunststoff-Automobilschaltern
Apr 25 , 2022high frequency pulsing solid state laser 355nm Marking on Plastic Automotive Switch
Customer reviews
I have been doing a ton of research on uv diode lasers. This machine appears to outshine the other models out there!. I have the 10w version and I have engraved Stainless, wood, acrylic and fabric with flawless detail. I have cut card stock puzzles and 5mm acrylic with ease! This is a product I highly recommend! I do wish there was better documentation on how to use but since this is a new product I am sure that will be forthcoming.
UV-Laser | grüner Laser | UV-Laser | UV-DPSS-Laser | Nanosekundenlaser | UV-Laserquelle | Festkörperlaser