3W,5W,10W uv laser

Wie werden die Parameter der 3-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine angepasst?

Oct 15 , 2021

How to adjust the parameters of 3W uv laser marking machine?


In contemporary society, the use of marking machines is becoming more and more widespread. In fact, many things around us have the shadow of laser marking machines. The patterns of many objects are only completed by laser marking machines, so marking Many people love and pay attention to the machine, and many users will also have doubts. Today, it revolves around how to modulate the parameters of the laser marking machine because it relies on the parameters to complete the work.


355nm uv laser marking machine


So how do you debug the parameters of the laser marking machine? Many people may not know what the parameters are. The parameters are actually similar to the pixels in our camera. The higher the pixel, the clearer the picture, then the higher the parameters here. Marking The pattern will be clearer, but the time will be shortened and the efficiency will be lowered, so it is necessary to adjust an appropriate value, usually about three hundred to six hundred for debugging, only for reference and suggestions.


First determine what the parameter value needs to be


First of all, you need to determine what the parameter value is, and then you need to set the parameters of the photo. Generally, you need to debug in the photo settings. If it is normal, you need to set inversion and then expand. A series of effects of brightness, contrast and shadow can be adjusted. Dot mode is controlled at 0.5, and you may see something that scans in both directions. This thing usually doesn't move it.


We can also try to adjust the marking frequency


We can also try to adjust the frequency of marking with parameters. The frequency of breaking is a frequency of marking within a certain period of time. Don’t think these have nothing to do with the parameters. We can use these methods to solve the pixel problem of the parameters. , The following content can be watched carefully.


The speed of marking is easily affected by the parameters


First of all, the marking frequency just mentioned, as long as the frequency is marked, the laser dots will be denser. On the contrary, marking is a kind of technical activity. Those who have carefully studied it can find that these graphics are composed of thousands under the microscope. It is composed of tens of thousands of small dots. The higher the frequency, the smoother the picture. Naturally, you will think that the marking parameters are very good.

Then talk about the relationship between the speed of reaching the standard and the parameters. The speed of marking is easily affected by the parameters. Then the subtle marking speed will also affect the marking parameters. If these are very mysterious, you can ask a professional. Consultation.

UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

Eine kurze Beschreibung der Parameter der Laserbeschriftungsmaschine


Das Obige ist eine kurze Beschreibung der Parameter der Lasermarkiermaschine. Es kann einige Teile geben, die nicht sehr vollständig sind. Kurz gesagt, die Markierungsmaschine hat unterschiedliche Existenzen und ist von außerordentlicher Bedeutung. Damit es seinen höchsten Wert spielt, müssen wir es reparieren. Achten Sie auf die Wartung. Derzeit ist die Lasermarkierungsmaschine eine fortschrittlichere Markierungsmaschine, und die Anschaffungskosten werden definitiv viel kosten. Um die Lebensdauer des späteren Gebrauchs zu verlängern, muss es richtig geschützt werden, damit es nicht in irgendeiner Weise leicht beschädigt wird.

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