3W,5W,10W uv laser

So wählen Sie, ob Sie einen Faserlaser oder einen UV-Laser mit einer Wellenlänge von 355 nm verwenden möchten

Jul 01 , 2022

How to choose whether to use fiber laser or uv laser wavelength 355nm


For the domestic situation, the technology and development of fiber lasers are relatively mature. If you use fiber lasers, you can consider domestic ones, which are better in terms of delivery time and cost. If you want to choose solid-state lasers, then high-end products generally choose foreign ones. , Because the domestic solid-state laser started relatively late, and limited by technology, there are relatively few domestic solid-state laser manufacturers, and it is often difficult to find suitable products.


So what are the differences between solid-state lasers and fiber lasers?


1. Differences in application scenarios


Let's first look at a summary table:


Table of application differences between solid-state lasers and fiber lasers in major laser processing applications


As can be seen from the above table, both solid-state lasers and fiber lasers can be used in major laser processing fields such as marking, cutting, drilling, welding, and additive manufacturing. There are differences in the specific application scenarios:


Micromachining field

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

Most of the application scenarios in this field use solid-state lasers, and in some cases, pulsed fiber lasers can be used. Solid-state lasers can convert infrared light into short-wavelength lasers such as green light, ultraviolet light, and deep ultraviolet light in a resonant cavity through frequency-doubling crystals and output them externally. Shorter wavelengths are the development trend of micromachining lasers. The energy utilization efficiency is high, which can effectively improve the machining accuracy and realize ultra-precision and ultra-micro machining. Due to its short wavelength (ultraviolet, deep ultraviolet), short pulse width (picosecond, femtosecond), and high peak power, solid-state lasers are mainly used in the field of precision micromachining of non-metallic materials and thin and brittle metal materials. In addition, solid-state lasers are widely used in cutting-edge scientific research in environmental, medical, military and other fields.


Macro processing field


In this field, fiber lasers are mainly used, and solid-state lasers are generally not used. Continuous fiber lasers have the characteristics of high average power and are widely used in macro processing such as cutting and welding of thick metal materials. CW lasers have a high degree of penetration in the field of macro processing, and have gradually replaced traditional processing methods in this field.


Taking mobile phones and automobiles as examples, the main applications of fiber lasers and solid-state lasers in their manufacturing processes are as follows:


In summary:


① Pulsed fiber laser can be used in the field of micromachining, but because it can only output infrared light with longer wavelength, the single pulse energy is small, the thermal effect is obvious, the processing accuracy is relatively low, and some materials cannot absorb infrared light, which makes it suitable for use The scope is limited, so the application range of pulsed fiber lasers in the field of micromachining is limited, and it is generally only used in micromachining scenarios with a processing accuracy greater than 20 microns;


②Solid-state lasers are widely used in the field of micromachining, because they can convert infrared light to output beams of various wavelengths such as green light and ultraviolet light through frequency doubling of nonlinear crystals. The material has a wide range of applications, good beam quality, and single pulse Large energy, small thermal effect, can achieve "cold processing", and can be applied to high-precision micro-machining scenarios with processing accuracy less than 20 microns (machining accuracy can reach nano-level), so it has strong technical advantages in the field of micro-machining;


③ The main varieties of fiber lasers are continuous fiber lasers. Continuous fiber lasers are widely used in macro processing fields with processing accuracy above the millimeter level due to their high output power, such as laser cutting and welding of industrial metals. micromachining;


In general:


Solid-state lasers are bulky, susceptible to external vibration, temperature changes and other factors, poor stability, difficult to maintain, and high maintenance costs, but the output peak power can be very high, the beam quality is good, and the sex-to-noise ratio is high.


Fiber lasers are compact in structure, stable in performance, not easily affected by external interference, easy to operate and maintain, have poor beam quality, poor sex-to-noise ratio, and difficult to increase peak power.


2. Different users


Fiber lasers are mainly used in the field of macro processing due to their high output power (laser macro processing generally refers to the processing of the size and shape of the processing object with the influence of the laser beam on the millimeter scale; micro processing generally refers to the precision of micron or even nanoscale. Solid-state lasers have the advantages of short wavelength, narrow pulse width, high peak power, etc., and are widely used in the field of micromachining, resulting in certain differences between users of solid-state lasers and fiber lasers.


The application fields of solid-state lasers and fiber lasers have their own focuses, and each has its own application fields. There is no direct competition between the two in most fields. In the field of metal material processing, which overlaps in the field of micromachining, when the metal reaches a certain thickness, traditional methods or fiber lasers are generally used in this field due to cost reasons. Or use solid-state lasers for scenarios with high processing requirements and insensitive to cost. In addition, the competition and overlap between the two are low. Solid-state lasers are mainly used for the processing of non-metallic materials (glass, ceramics, plastics, polymers, packaging, other brittle materials, etc.), and are used in the field of metal materials for high precision and cost. Relatively insensitive scene.


3. Market share


my country is in the process of transforming and upgrading the manufacturing industry from medium and low-end manufacturing to high-end manufacturing. The proportion of medium and low-end manufacturing is high. The macro processing market covers both low-end manufacturing and some high-end manufacturing. The market demand is large. Therefore, the market capacity of fiber lasers larger.


Domestic low- and medium-power fiber lasers have a high degree of localization, and there are many large-scale domestic manufacturers. According to the "China Laser Industry Development Report", low-power fiber lasers have been fully replaced by domestic products; in terms of medium-power continuous fiber lasers, domestic quality has no obvious disadvantage, the price advantage is obvious, and the market share is comparable; for high-power continuous fiber lasers, domestically produced The brand has achieved some sales.


As for solid-state lasers, due to the late development in China, there is no listed company with this product as the main business, generally buying foreign brands


Fourth, the application field of solid-state lasers is divided


1. Consumer Electronics


The processing requirements of precision electronic components in the consumer electronics industry are constantly improving. Laser processing technology has become the main processing method in the industry due to its high precision, fast speed, and no damage. The solid-state laser has broad application space in the production processes such as cutting, drilling, and marking of printed circuit boards (PCB/FPC). Standard, medium and high power nanosecond solid-state lasers and picosecond and femtosecond lasers can be used for cutting, drilling and PI film cutting of PCB/FPC boards.


In addition to printed circuit boards, laser micromachining technology is also used in the cutting, marking, drilling, micro-welding and other fields of brittle materials and metal materials.


2. 3D printing


3D printing is a kind of rapid prototyping technology. Based on digital model files, objects are constructed by layer-by-layer printing using adhesive materials such as powdered metals, plastics, and liquid photosensitive resins. . While solid-state lasers are the industry choice in the field of liquid photosensitive resin curing, the publisher's mid- and low-power nanosecond UV lasers have been widely used in this field.


3. New energy


Solid-state lasers are widely used in key processes such as cutting and precision scribing of solar cells and silicon wafers, marking, cutting, and welding of lithium battery materials. Taking the issuer's products as an example, high-power nanosecond Solid-state lasers and picosecond lasers can be used for cutting and precision scribing of solar cells and silicon wafers, and low-power nanosecond ultraviolet lasers can be used for grooving solar cells and silicon wafers; in the field of new energy vehicles, low-power nanosecond lasers Solid-state lasers and picosecond lasers can be applied to the shell marking of lithium batteries, and medium and high-power nanosecond solid-state lasers and picosecond and femtosecond lasers can be applied to precision cutting and welding of battery materials.


4. 5G communication,


2019 gilt als das „erste Jahr“ der Kommerzialisierung der 5G-Technologie. Die schrittweise Kommerzialisierung der 5G-Technologie wird einen breiten Entwicklungsraum für die Mikrobearbeitungs-Laserindustrie bieten. Das 5G-Netz zeichnet sich durch hohe Geschwindigkeit und geringe Verzögerung aus und stellt hohe Anforderungen an die Leistung von Verbindungshalbleitern. Das Material und der Herstellungsprozess von Mobiltelefonen werden geändert, um sich an die 5G-Technologie anzupassen. Technologien wie Etikettieren, Laserschweißen, Laserschneiden, Laserbohren, Laserätzen und direktes Laserprototyping werden in verschiedenen Produktionsbereichen der Mobiltelefonherstellung weit verbreitet eingesetzt, und die Mikrobearbeitungslasertechnologie wird im Bereich der 5G-Mobiltelefonherstellung eine wichtige Rolle spielen . Nach Schätzungen von Canalys werden die weltweiten Lieferungen von 5G-Mobiltelefonen etwa 1 erreichen. 9 Milliarden Einheiten in den nächsten fünf Jahren, und die durch Festkörperlasertechnologie repräsentierte Lasermikrobearbeitungsindustrie wird stark davon profitieren. Darüber hinaus sind die Anforderungen an die Verarbeitungsgenauigkeit höher, wenn 5G-Basisstationen in die intensive Bauphase eintreten. Hochwertige PCB/FPC-Platinen werden als die wichtigsten elektronischen Materialien eine schnell wachsende Nachfrage verzeichnen.


Fünftens die Vorteile von Faserlasern:


Der fasergekoppelte Laser kann durch die Einführung der Faser die Erzeugung und Verarbeitung eines mehrdimensionalen beliebigen Raums besser realisieren. Das Prinzip der mechanischen Konstruktion wird durch den fasergekoppelten Laser vereinfacht, der die relevanten Schritte der Arbeitserstellung effektiv vereinfachen kann und dadurch den umständlichen Produktionsprozess erleichtert. Besser organisiert, um standardisierte Produktionsprozesse zu gewährleisten;


Der fasergekoppelte Laser wurde kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und verbessert, und der Stromverbrauch ist gering. Durch Anpassen der Kombination von Produktzubehör kann der fasergekoppelte Laser einen starken Betriebseffekt erzielen. Der fasergekoppelte Laser kann die Anforderungen einer hochintensiven Verarbeitung erfüllen und den Produktionsprozess verbessern, um die Betriebseffizienz zu verbessern. das Ziel von. Darüber hinaus hat der fasergekoppelte Laser die Eigenschaften einer schnellen Wärmeableitung und einer starken Erholung, wodurch sichergestellt werden kann, dass die geformten Maschinen und Geräte im Langzeitbetrieb keine Wärme und andere Probleme erzeugen und auch in rauen Umgebungen reibungslos laufen.

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