3W,5W,10W uv laser

Wie wird die UV-Laserquellen-Schneidemaschine im Sommer gewartet?

Aug 17 , 2021

Führen Sie im Sommer Wartungsmaßnahmen für die Ausrüstung von Laserschneidmaschinen gut durch

Im Sommer ist es sehr offensichtlich, dass die Temperatur hoch ist und die hohe Temperatur die Verwendung der Laserschneidmaschine in gewissem Maße beeinträchtigt. Daher müssen wir uns im Sommer um die Wartungsmaßnahmen für die Ausrüstung der Schneidemaschine kümmern, um zu vermeiden, dass einige äußere Faktoren schlechte Auswirkungen auf die Ausrüstung haben. Der folgende Redakteur wird also darüber sprechen, wie man im Sommer gute Arbeit bei der Wartung der Ausrüstung leistet.

UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

Halten Sie den Druck des Kühlers vor der hohen Temperatur aufrecht

1. The temperature rises in summer, and the working pressure of the cooling system of the laser cutting machine increases. It is recommended to maintain the pressure of the cooler before the high temperature comes. The pressure of the equipment of different manufacturers is also different. It is recommended to consult the equipment manufacturer for specific parameters before maintenance.


Make sure that the laser tube is filled with circulating water before working

2. Make sure that the laser tube is filled with circulating water before the machine works. The water quality and temperature of the circulating water directly affect the service life of the laser tube. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly replace the circulating water and clean the water tank. Try to do this once a week.


Clean the laser lens every day

3. There will be some mirrors and focusing mirrors on the laser cutting machine. The laser light is emitted from the laser head after being reflected and focused by these lenses. The lens is easily stained with dust or other contaminants, which can cause laser loss or damage to the lens. So clean the lenses every day. At the same time of cleaning:   

A. The lens should be wiped gently, and the surface coating should not be damaged;   

B. The wiping process should be handled gently to prevent falling;   

C. When installing the focusing lens, be sure to keep the concave surface down.


Laser cutting machine users use distilled water or pure water

4. Due to the high temperature in summer, the deterioration rate of the cooling water will also accelerate. It is recommended that users of laser cutting machines use distilled or pure water and clean up the scale regularly to prevent the adhesion of scale in the laser pipe from affecting the laser power. Different types of cutting machines have different methods for cleaning scale, and they need to be operated under the guidance of the manufacturer.


Regularly clean the dust in the electrical cabinet of the cutting machine

5. Since the dust of the laser cutting machine is mainly metal powder, it is recommended to regularly clean the dust in the electrical cabinet of the cutting machine and check the working condition of the cooling fan.


Pay attention to whether your maintenance method is correct

Therefore, when you perform maintenance work on the laser cutting machine in the summer, you must pay attention to whether your maintenance method is correct and whether it is suitable for the current demand situation of the cutting machine equipment. At the same time, after the cutting machine equipment is well maintained, do not directly put it into work. First perform a trial run test on it to avoid damage to the equipment during the maintenance process.


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