Die 3- und 5-W-UV-Laserquelle ermöglicht die Personalisierung elektronischer Produkte
Jun 24 , 2022
Die 3- und 5-W-UV-Laserquelle ermöglicht die Personalisierung elektronischer Produkte Die Laserindustrie ist zu einem „Hochland“ der wirtschaftlichen Umstrukturierung geworden. Durch Technologieveredelung haben Laser breite Marktanwendungen in der industriellen Produktion wie Stahl, Chemikalien und Automobilen. Die Laserbearbeitung hat die Eigenschaften „Flexibilität“, die mit Automatisieru...
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5 Watt UV-Laserquelle zum Beschriften von Glaskristalloberflächen
Jun 24 , 2022
5 Watt uv laser source for lettering on glass crystal surface Glass is a kind of high-density material, which is widely used in our daily life, such as cooking seasonings, drinks, water glasses, all of which are used in glass. To engrave on these glass daily necessities, what laser marking machine is needed? Woolen cloth? Glass Laser Engraving Laser marking machine is the most...
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10W 15W Hochleistungs-UV-Laser Industrie Angebots- und Nachfragesituation und Analyse der Produktlokalisierung
Jun 28 , 2022
10w 15w high power uv laser industry supply and demand situation and product localization analysis Laser technology is widely used in the development of the national economy, involving industrial manufacturing, communications, information processing, medical and health, energy conservation and environmental protection, aerospace and other fields. Governments at all levels in my country atta...
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10 W 15 W UV-Laser Lieferanten, die Glas markieren und ein neues Symbol moderner Handwerkskunst gießen
Jun 29 , 2022
10w 15w Ultraviolet Lasers Suppliers marking glass, casting a new symbol of modern craftsmanship With the rapid development of the times, people's lives have been generally improved, and their pursuit of material things has also been significantly improved. It is no longer just practical to pass up in the past, and "high quality and low price, accurate and beautiful" has become a trend. As ...
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Hersteller von UV-Laserdioden mit 15 W und 20 W besetzen den High-End-Präzisionsbearbeitungsmarkt
Jun 29 , 2022
Hersteller von UV-Laserdioden mit 15 W und 20 W besetzen den High-End-Präzisionsbearbeitungsmarkt Ultraviolette Laser besetzen High-End-Märkte wie die Präzisionsbearbeitung mit den Vorteilen der Bearbeitungsgenauigkeit. Entsprechend den unterschiedlichen Laserausgangswellenlängen können Laser in drei Kategorien eingeteilt werden: Infrarotlaser (Wellenlängen von 760 nm bis 10 μm), Laser für ...
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Faserlaser-Markiermaschine VS3w 5w UV-Laser-Markierquelle, was ist besser?
Jul 04 , 2022
Faserlaser-Markiermaschine VS3w 5w UV-Laser-Markierquelle, was ist besser? Zu den auf dem Markt weit verbreiteten Modellen von Laserbeschriftungsmaschinen gehören Faserlaserbeschriftungsmaschinen und UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschinen. Welcher von beiden ist besser? Tatsächlich haben beide ihre eigenen Vor- und Nachteile, aber die Unterschiede sind auch sehr groß, wie z. B. Arbeitsprinzipien, V...
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Der Unterschied zwischen 3 W-20 W UV-Laser und 20 W-35 W grüner Lasermarkierungsanwendung
Jul 04 , 2022
The difference between 3w-20w UV laser and 20w-35w green laser marking application In the process of RFH Laser Technology's sales, there are always consultants or customers who ask questions such as "who is stronger green laser or ultraviolet laser". Faced with such a question, RFH's sales staff often answer: "No one is stronger, only who is more suitable." After more than ten years,...
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Eine Art Herstellungsverfahren für grünes Licht aus optischen Fasern mit hoher Wiederholungsfrequenz und 15-W-UV-Laser
Jul 04 , 2022
A kind of manufacturing method of high repetition frequency optical fiber green light and 15w uv laser 1. The present invention relates to the technical field of lasers, in particular to a high repetition frequency, sub-nanosecond all-fiber green light and ultraviolet laser. Background technique: 2. In recent years, solid-state lasers have developed rapidly, and green l...
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3 W 5 W UV-Lasermarkierung Glasgravuranwendung
Jul 05 , 2022
3w 5w uv laser marking glass engraving application Glass products can be seen everywhere in life. The traditional processing methods have complex procedures, few designs and colors, poor coloring, and high brittleness of glass. It is easy to crack under the influence of high temperature, which destroys the material. Ultraviolet laser marking technology surpasses traditional processing and m...
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Warum ist die 15-W-UV-Laserquelle dieses Jahr so beliebt?
Jul 05 , 2022
Why is the 15w uv laser source so popular this year? How high the laser industry can develop depends mostly on the level of laser development. Undoubtedly, since 2010, the development of fiber lasers has attracted much attention, overshadowing the performance of other laser products. However, technological innovation is often a systematic and subversive process, not a partial individ...
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Verstehen Sie die 10-W-UV-Lasertechnologie in einem Artikel
Jul 06 , 2022
Understand 10w Ultraviolet lasers technology in one article Interest in short-wavelength continuous ultraviolet (UV) light sources has grown over the past decade. The ultraviolet laser with a wavelength range of 200-280 nm and continuous output has the advantages of short wavelength, large photon energy, small diffraction effect, strong resolving power, and small thermal effect. Shor...
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8w 10w UV-Laserbearbeitungsnachfrage explodiert, kommen Sie hierher, um es herauszufinden!
Jul 06 , 2022
8w 10w uv lasers processing demand explodes, come here to find out! There is a saying in the industry: how high the laser industry can develop depends mostly on the level of laser development. Undoubtedly, since 2010, the development of fiber lasers has attracted much attention, overshadowing the performance of other laser products. However, we should not ignore the development achievements...
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