Anwendung einer kompakten gütegeschalteten DPSS-Lasermarkiermaschine auf Medikamentenboxen
Sep 17 , 2021
Anwendung einer kompakten gütegeschalteten DPSS-Lasermarkiermaschine auf Medikamentenboxen Ein Medikament ist ein spezielles Produkt, das die wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung bestanden hat, das heißt, nach einer großen Investition in der Frühphase, nach klinischer Überprüfung, wird es für die Produktion und Vermarktung zugelassen. Die starren Forderungen der Gesellschaft haben zu...
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Hochfrequenzpulsierende Festkörperlaser-Markierungs-Computertastatur
Sep 17 , 2021
high frequency pulsing solid state laser marking computer keyboard To some extent, work and play seem to be two opposite terms How to balance the relationship between the two and realize free switching is a big problem Whether it is entertainment games or business office The keyboard is an essential tool A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well Laser marking computer key...
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Mehrere Methoden zur Verbesserung der Markierungseffizienz von kompakten Nanosekundenlasern mit hoher Wiederholungsrate
Sep 17 , 2021
Several methods to improve the marking efficiency of Compact high repetition rate nanosecond lasers Factors affecting marking efficiency For a fixed marking pattern, the factors that affect marking efficiency can be divided into the equipment itself and the processing material. From these two factors, it can be subdivided into different aspects: Therefore, factors such as filling type, fiel...
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355-nm-Laser mit hoher Stabilität und hochpräziser Gravur für Kopfhörerverpackung
Sep 16 , 2021
355nm laser high stability and high precision engraving headphone wrapper In life, in addition to Bluetooth headsets, wire headsets are commonly used by us, which is very good. But when we take it out of the bag or pocket, there will be annoying things. It will be entangled every time, every time it takes time and mind to slowly untie it. It's really troublesome! Laser engraving and winding...
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Ultraviolette Laser hohle Ledertasche, hochwertige Gewinnverdoppelung
Sep 16 , 2021
Ultraviolet lasers hollow leather bag, high-grade profit double increase Shuttle in the crowd, all kinds of leather bags pass by us. Whether you are shopping for entertainment or going to work, you will inevitably be accompanied by a leather bag. Many people like to match the suitable leather bags in different seasons. Laser hollowed leather bags are the most popular styles As...
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Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für gängige kompakte Nanosekundenlaser mit hoher Wiederholrate zum Schneiden von Materialien
Sep 15 , 2021
Precautions for common compact high repetition rate nanosecond lasers cutting materials Laser cutting processing technology is widely used in the processing of metal and non-metal materials, which can greatly reduce processing time, reduce energy consumption, and improve technology. Specific attention should be paid to the following aspects: 1. Structural steel: Better results will b...
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Uhr aus gütegeschaltetem Nanosekundenlaser aus Edelstahl mit Gravur
Sep 15 , 2021
nanosecond Q-switched lasers engraved stainless steel watch Time passes through a gap like a white horse, and it can pass quietly between your fingers, only the watch does. Watches are the product of the combination of fashion elements and precision machinery. For a dazzling array of watches, how to make your own more unique and unique? Simple, the laser engraving opportunity will bring you...
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Diodengepumpter Festkörperlaser für hochpräzises elektrisches Schneiden und Markieren
Sep 15 , 2021
Diode pumped solid state laser high-precision cutting and marking electric heater It is late autumn and winter is approaching. Have you prepared warm clothes? In severe cold winters, I am most afraid of cold hands, and it is sometimes inconvenient to wear gloves. In order to keep the hands warm and flexible movement at the same time, electric heating treasure is the first choice of the publ...
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Verwenden Sie eine leistungsstarke 355-nm-Ultraviolett-Laserschneidmaschine, um den Gewinn der Bekleidungsindustrie zu maximieren
Sep 14 , 2021
Use High-Power 355 nm Ultraviolet Laser cutting machine to maximize the profit of the apparel industry In the current society, clothing is a must for everyone to decorate themselves, protect themselves, and give themselves and their family members. It is not only for wearing, but also an identity, an attitude to life, and a manifestation of personal charm. Ultraviolet laser processin...
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UV-Laserdiode schneidet verschiedene Formen von Blattornamenten
Sep 14 , 2021
uv laser diode cuts different shapes of leaf ornaments In autumn, fallen leaves are the most eye-catching focus of beauty Die vom Herbstwind vorbeigezogenen Bäume fallen mit Blättern Sie winseln leicht in der Luft Flammende Ahornblätter, goldene Ginkgoblätter... Wie ein leichter und bequemer Schmetterling, aber auch wie ein tanzender Zauberer Lasergeschnittener Blattschmuck Frieren Sie dies...
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