3W,5W,10W uv laser

Für Autos benötigte grüne Nanosekunden-Laserausrüstung

Oct 27 , 2021

Nanosecond green laser equipment needed for cars


We know that the entire car is composed of many parts. From the 1980s to the present, too many changes have taken place in the car. Various parts have undergone many innovations, and traditional technology processing has been replaced by a new generation of processing technology. The addition of various types of laser equipment has changed the car from technology to beauty.


Laser cutting machine undertakes metal or non-metal cutting of various automobile parts


The laser cutting machine undertakes the metal or non-metal cutting of various parts of the automobile, and can complete two-dimensional or difficult three-dimensional cutting. The cutting method can be diversified. The cutting effect is formed at one time, without burrs, and no secondary processing is required. The cutting range is accurate, the deviation range can be accurate to 0.01mm, and the cutting speed is unmatched by humans. The laser cutting machine can perfectly combine the cutting technology with today's robots, and can be used more flexibly in cutting and other aspects for robot cutting, and provide better solutions for car cutting.


Application of laser welding machine in automobile industry


The application of laser welding machines in the automotive industry makes cars more stable. Laser welding machines are not only fast, but also flexible. It can also be used for precision welding machines, with small welding gaps, large welding depths, small material deformations, and large welding ranges. It can use welding technology to combine with robots to weld the entire body together. The laser welding machine is used in automobiles, which is a leap improvement in the quality of automobiles, and can complete a difficult welding. For example: car body welding, pipe welding, battery welding, instrument welding, steering wheel welding, plastic welding, etc.


Laser marking machines are loved by more people in this era of commercialization


Lasermarkiermaschinen werden in dieser Ära der Kommerzialisierung von immer mehr Menschen geliebt, und Autos sind da keine Ausnahme. Am offensichtlichsten ist, dass die lichtdurchlässigen Tasten des automobilen Multimedia-Steuerungssystems von einer Lasermarkiermaschine markiert werden, die die Autolager markiert. , Instrumentennummern, Zylinderköpfe, Zylinderblöcke, Anlasser, Generatoren und andere Autoteile benötigen Lasermarkiermaschinen zum Markieren.

UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

Grüner RFH-Laser


Darüber hinaus können Lasergeräte auch die Oberfläche des Autos bearbeiten, um das Auto schöner aussehen zu lassen. Zum Beispiel Laserhärten, Laserdelaminieren, Oberflächenaktivierung, Laserauftragschweißen und so weiter.

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