3W,5W,10W uv laser

PPR-Röhrenlaser-Markierungsanwendung, RFH 355 nm UV-Laser ist effizient und klar

Jul 25 , 2022

PPR-Röhrenlaser-Markierungsanwendung, RFH 355 nm UV-Laser ist effizient und klar


Mit der Entwicklung der Lasertechnologie ist die Anwendung der Lasertechnologie weit verbreitet. Seine hohe Effizienz, berührungslose, saubere und umweltfreundliche Eigenschaften werden bevorzugt. Am gebräuchlichsten ist die Lasermarkierung. In diesem Artikel werden wir über die Lasermarkierung in PPR sprechen. Rohranwendung.


PPR, allgemein bekannt als Drei-Typ-Polypropylen, weist aufgrund der Verwendung der Zufallscopolymerisationstechnologie die Eigenschaften hoher Temperaturbeständigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit, hoher Festigkeit und langer Lebensdauer auf. Es ist weit verbreitet in der Gebäudewasserversorgung und -entwässerung, in der städtischen und ländlichen Wasserversorgung und -entwässerung, im Stadtgas, im Transport von Industrieflüssigkeiten und in anderen städtischen, industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Bereichen.

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Any product is inseparable from the factory marking, and the same is true for PPR tubes. Marking on PPR tubes mainly includes inkjet printing and laser marking. In terms of marking efficiency, marking effect and marking time, laser marking has very good advantages. The main manifestations are:


First, the mark after laser marking can be retained for a long time, will not fade or disappear, and has a certain anti-counterfeiting effect;


Second, the production efficiency of laser marking is high. It only needs to be integrated in the assembly line, and can be quickly marked on the tube with the vision system, computer program, etc., to meet the requirements of mass production;


The third is that laser marking is more flexible for the arc surfaces of some large-diameter PPR pipes, and it can also provide highly customized marking services according to the needs of upstream customers;


Fourth, no other consumables are required, which is environmentally friendly and cost-saving.



The industrial-grade nanosecond solid-state laser developed and designed by RFH, outputs 355nm ultraviolet laser, with excellent beam quality (M2<1.2), repetition frequency from single pulse to 500kHz, heat-affected zone is very small, and the accuracy of marking can reach micron level. The letters, numbers, trademarks, or complex graphics, one-dimensional codes, two-dimensional codes, etc. can be marked with ease, with high resolution, high speed, no carbonization, no deformation, and this laser has passed rigorous testing and inspection , The performance is reliable and stable, and it can adapt to 7*24h production operations in an industrial environment.



As a laser with a wide range of applicability in the marking industry, this 355nm UV laser can also be used for fine marking of PVC pipes, metal nameplates, artificial crystals, glass, etc.

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