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QRCode, Barcode und DataMatrix: der Einsatz des Lasers zur Rückverfolgbarkeit

Apr 14 , 2022

QRCode, Barcode and DataMatrix: the use of the Laser for Traceability


The issue of traceability is becoming increasingly important in world trade and in particular for those particularly large companies that have to entrust part of their production processes to third parties.


Therefore, it is essential for these companies to monitor their products and ensure the complete traceability of each production phase.


Laser marking systems allow excellent results to be obtained in this area, creating indelible codes, signs and engravings quickly and at low cost, and that is why the laser is now the preferred tool in the field of traceability.


What is Traceability?

Traceability is an identification system that combines a set of information and is able to verify:



the location,

the origin,

the batch number,


the date,

moving the product or part by means of recorded information.

Traceability allows you to answer simple questions such as: who made the product? when was it made? and where was it made?

Traceability is a requirement imposed by national or international regulations for many industrial sectors or specific types of products.

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Due to strict government regulations on the safety of food, medicine, defense, automobiles and minerals, product tracking and traceability have become an integral part of manufacturing processes.


The concept of traceability applies both to the manufacturing industry, which produces products such as cars, and to process production, which includes, for example, chemicals.


Traceability allows movements to be traced one step back and one step forward at any point in the supply chain and production processes and therefore represents a sort of product assurance and guarantee.


Laser marking for traceability on food products

Laser marking for traceability

Companies today are looking for the best tools to ensure the traceability of their products and that is why they choose laser applications. Traceability is a key concept that allows to improve the positioning of the brand and the perception of its quality in the eyes of the final consumer.

To be able to trace a product or component it is essential to mark it with an identification code. In this way each piece becomes unique and it is easier to manage any malfunction problems or to trace a defective batch to the supplier.


Traceability begins when we use laser equipment to directly mark parts with unique identifiers or other information. The factory collects and stores this information in a secure database, so that parts can be monitored throughout the manufacturing process. From point A to point Z, the intelligent software records the complete history of the part's life.


Barcode - EAN-13 barcode decoding

Types of Codes: Barcode, QRCode and DataMatrix

Barcodes or barcodes are the most classic example of alphanumeric serial codes used for decades as they are simple and easily readable.

In the 90s, two-dimensional codes were then introduced to the market to meet the needs of large industrial productions that need to identify much more information related to their products and components.


QRCode Example

There are many types of two-dimensional or 2D codes that can be laser marked, among all the QRCode and the DataMatrix code stand out. The latter is mainly used in the automotive and medical sectors for its ability to store a huge amount of data and information within a tiny space. Another feature is the fact that it is indelible and highly resistant, so it is almost impossible to erase.


DataMatrix example code Another type of code that can be applied thanks to the laser is the unique UDI alphanumeric identification code, from English Unique Device Identification. This system is intended to provide a unique and globally harmonized positive identification of medical devices for distribution and use, requiring the device label to bear a unique device identifier.

For further information read -> Laser Marking of Plates and Labels for codes, texts and logos


Laser traceability to mark the UDI Code 


The application of UDI codes on medical devices is done by laser, which is the most requested technology in this area both for the quality of processing and for the safety it offers.

Laser marking on metal or plastic medical instruments does not damage the instruments in the least, ensures maximum hygiene and is resistant to both sterilization and corrosion. The laser allows medical instruments to be marked very quickly with tiny but perfectly legible Datamatrix codes, with dimensions up to 0.5 × 0.5 mm.


Another field of application of laser technology is the automotive sector, where laser marking is used to clearly mark the various components that make-up a vehicle with 2D codes, Datamatrix, serial numbers, etc. In recent decades, vehicle safety and reliability have become key issues and the automotive industry therefore needs to improve its traceability methods, so the use of lasers has become massive.


VIN-Markierung mit Laser zur Rückverfolgbarkeit des Stahl-Autorahmens Auch als Antidot gegen Fälschungen wird die Lasermarkierung in verschiedenen Bereichen eingesetzt. Sie reichen von den kuriosesten Fällen wie dem Austernzüchter Gillardeau, der seine Austern mit einem Laser markiert, über die Kennzeichnung von Produkten im Zusammenhang mit dem Militär, elektronischen Bauteilen, Schmuck und Diamanten bis hin zu Pässen. Im letzteren Fall macht die Verwendung einer Lasermarkierung mit einer einzigartigen und originalen Sequenz zur Markierung des Dokuments eine Fälschung unmöglich.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter -> Lasergravur auf Juwelen: Geschwindigkeit, Präzision und Effizienz


Targhette auricolari di identificazione su Mucche

Vorteile der Lasermarkierung für die Rückverfolgbarkeit

Dauer: Die Lasermarkierung hat den Vorteil, dass der Code in einer bestimmten Tiefe im Inneren des Bauteils platziert wird, wodurch jegliches Risiko einer Beschädigung ausgeschlossen wird, die den Code unbrauchbar macht. Die Laserbeschriftung kann daher praktisch nicht beschädigt werden und erzeugt unauslöschliche Codes.

Hochwertig: Der Fokuspunkt des Laserstrahls ist sehr klein und gleichzeitig garantiert die Verarbeitung eine sehr hohe Präzision auch beim Nachzeichnen komplexer Formen oder Symbole wie Logos.

Vollständige Automatisierung: Die Lasermarkierung zur Rückverfolgbarkeit wird in Systeme integriert, die gemäß den Produktionsanforderungen konfiguriert und mit fortschrittlicher Software verbunden sind, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Informationen in jeder Phase des Prozesses in der sogenannten Datendynamik ständig zu überwachen. Das macht Fälschungen immer schwieriger, wenn nicht gar unmöglich.

Geschwindigkeit und Kostenersparnis: Die Lasermarkierung ist das wirtschaftlich günstigste System zur Produktrückverfolgbarkeit. Diese Verarbeitungstechnik ist schnell, benötigt keine zusätzlichen Materialien, erzeugt keinen Abfall und erfordert keine Wartungskosten.

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