Neuester Blog
Festkörper-UV-Laserdruck Glasschale Geschenk Kunststoff Metall
Mar 28 , 2022solid state uv laser Printing Glass Cup Gift Plastic Metal
Customer reviews
One thing I have to say, is the customer support is by far the best I've experienced when it comes to 3D uv laser printers and even other products I own. I received an email after my purchase welcoming me to the RFH Laser family before I even had the laser printer. Every little question/issue/problem was addressed quickly and resolved. I used email and the response time is always predictable. Keep in mind, the support team is in China and they are 13-14 hours ahead so plan accordingly. I usually send emails after 7pm CST and get responses within the hour. I get responses to responses :-)
UV-Laser | grüner Laser | UV-Laser | UV-DPSS-Laser | Nanosekundenlaser | UV-Laserquelle | Festkörperlaser