3W,5W,10W uv laser

Solide UV-Laserquelle, präzise geschnittene, hochauflösende Linse

Aug 16 , 2021

Solid UV laser source solves worries for the rapid processing and production of lenses

In the past, the high-definition lens industry mainly used molds as frames, and different styles required different molds, which required high cost and low efficiency. With the emergence of precision laser cutting machines, different types of frames can be processed quickly, which can solve the worries of the rapid processing and production of lenses.


Application of precision laser cutting machine in high-definition lens industry

With the fierce competition in the lens industry, increasing profits and reducing costs are issues that many lens manufacturers have begun to pay attention to. Improving lens manufacturing and processing technology and providing rapid prototyping and smooth lenses have become the magic weapon for many manufacturers to survive, and the application of precision laser cutting machines has completely solved these two problems for enterprises. In addition, the laser cutting machine can design arbitrary graphics on the plate, with fast speed, high precision, one-time molding, no subsequent processing, more than ten times faster than traditional cutting equipment, greatly improving processing efficiency, and visually discharging , It fits tightly and saves materials. Advanced technology can increase the speed of new product development for lens manufacturers, and can quickly recover equipment investment costs.

UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

355-nm-UV-Laserschneidlinsen sind schneller und effizienter

Anwendung von Präzisions-Laserschneidmaschinen in der High-Definition-Linsenindustrie - aufgrund der kontinuierlichen Investitionen in Hochtechnologie und der allmählichen Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der Menschen werden unzählige Linsen in verschiedenen Kameras, Smartphones, Automobilen und anderen Branchen verwendet. Laserschneidmaschinen eignen sich sehr gut zum Schneiden von Bögen. Das Gesicht ist sauber und ordentlich, und die Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz sind schneller.


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