3W,5W,10W uv laser

UV-Laser 355 nm Bohrkeramik mit reduzierter Beschädigung der Rückseite

Nov 01 , 2021

laser 355nm drilling ceramic  with reduced rear surface damage


customer reviews


This unit is great. I've had it a week and already sold enough things to pay for it. Works fantastic on ceramic, cloth, and plastic. End results have been fantastic so far. Software - It's pretty intuitive. Lots of built-in preset options for different materials. Can also set it to do more than one pass for really deep engraving. Size - Very portable. I have this sitting on the corner of my office working away while I do other things. Results - I've had no failed engraving out of the thirty or so I've done so far. With a quick settings tweak I was able to re-mark quickly. Other than that one, everything else has been absolutely fantastic. One thing I recommend - USE A LEVEL. If you make sure your device is 100% flat, you'll easily be able to center your image on whatever you're engraving on. Speed - This totally depends on the size of the image, resolution and file size. Several images I will be marking frequently have now been modified to have minimal "blank" space around the image. For instance, I engraved a skull at 100mm and it took almost 25 minutes. It's a very large file with tons of details. My channel logo takes about 2 minutes. Most of the built-in images take 1 to 2 minutes. I'm satisfied with the speed. Overall a very competent uv laser marking machine for a beginner. I've been doing a lot of commissions this week with uv laser drilling ceramic engraving names on wood crafts, gift tags, and just random things people ask for. I've also been engraving pretty much anything I can think of around my office. I am having a blast with this.


RFH UV Laser Source Marking Gravieren Keramikbecher


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