3W,5W,10W uv laser

Die hochpräzise Markierung von zweidimensionalen Codes durch UV-Laserdioden garantiert Qualität und Quantität

Aug 20 , 2021

Die Leistung einer UV-Lasermarkiermaschine zum Markieren zweidimensionaler Codes

Der QR-Code erscheint in jeder Ecke unseres Lebens. Neben der Speicherung einer großen Menge an Informationen spielt es auch eine Rolle bei der nachträglichen Überwachung und Verwaltung im Herstellungsprozess. Als neue Art von Werbe- und Marketingmethode wird es jetzt langsam von immer mehr Unternehmensherstellern verwendet, dank der Hilfe von Lasermarkierungsmaschinen, bei der Verarbeitung von zweidimensionalen Codes, kann es die Qualität und Quantität garantieren.

UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

355-nm-UV-Laser zur hochpräzisen Markierung von zweidimensionalen Codes, effektiver Fälschungsschutz

In fact, the printing of two-dimensional codes is also very easy, and it can be easily printed in batches with an ordinary laser marking machine. The advantage of the two-dimensional code laser marking machine is that the laser marking machine belongs to non-contact processing. It can be printed without touching the surface of the object during marking, so it will not cause damage to the workpiece; secondly, the laser marking machine can be used on metal , Plastics, ceramics and other materials, which are widely used in all walks of life; third, the laser marking machine can be integrated with other equipment on the production line to improve the automation level of the production line; fourth, the laser marking machine has clear and clear marks. Long-lasting, beautiful, and effective anti-counterfeiting, for the two-dimensional code, it can be effective for a long time without damage, long service life, and pollution-free; fifth, the laser marking machine will not produce any waste gas or waste water during the entire processing process to avoid Pollution; Sixth, the processing accuracy is high, the laser can act on the surface of the material with a very thin beam, and the smallest line width can reach 0.05mm. It has created a broad application space for precision processing and increased anti-counterfeiting functions. Laser marking can meet the needs of printing large amounts of data on extremely small plastic parts. For example, it can print two-dimensional bar codes that require more precision and higher definition, which has stronger market competitiveness than imprinting or jet marking methods.


UV laser marking clear and accurate QR code is very important

A clear and accurate QR code is very important. It is more effective to ensure the integrity of the QR code. In addition, the laser marking machine is also environmentally friendly and saves energy. Compared with the corrosion method, it avoids chemical pollution. For mechanical marking, it can also reduce noise pollution and is a powerful assistant for QR code processing.


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