3W,5W,10W uv laser

UV-Lasermaschine – Lasergravur von Kunststoff

Mar 22 , 2022

UV-Lasermaschine – Lasergravur von Kunststoff


Industrielle UV-Laser zum Gravieren und Markieren von Leiterplattenmaterial, Kunststoff oder Glas

UV-Lasermaschinen von RFH Laser eignen sich zum Gravieren und Markieren von Leiterplattenmaterial, Kunststoffen und Kunststoffen. Platzieren Sie schnell Seriennummern, Texte, Barcodes, Logos oder Bilder. Kurze Gravurzeit. Hoher Kontrast. Perfekte Gravurqualität und Auflösung auch für feinste Details und Kanten. 


Lasergravur von Kunststoff, dünnwandigem Glas und Leiterplatten

UV-Lasermaschinen von RFH eignen sich zum Markieren und Lasergravieren einer Vielzahl von Kunststoffen, dünnwandigen Gläsern (Weingläsern) und Leiterplatten. Gravuranwendungen auf anderen Materialien sind ebenfalls möglich. Informieren Sie sich über die Möglichkeiten.


Wellenlänge von 355nm

Die verwendete Wellenlänge von 355nm ist weniger intensiv als die Wellenlänge von CO2- oder Faserlasern, sodass die Energie im Material besser kontrollierbar ist und weniger Verschmelzung auftritt.


UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

Anwendungen von UV-Lasergravurmaschinen

UV laser machines are particularly suitable for quickly placing serial numbers, texts, barcodes, logos or images on Printed Circuit Board material, thin-walled glass and a large number of plastics and plastics. The engraving time is short, the contrast is high (depending on the processed material) and directly scannable with standard barcode scanners and the engraving quality and resolution are sublime, also around the edges.  UV laser machines are available in an open and closed version.


Laser engraving of printed circuit boards

Due to the wavelength of 355nm, UV laser machines are extremely suitable for engraving and marking Printed Circuit Board (PCBs). With a UV laser machine you can laser engrave serial numbers, text, barcodes, logos or images on Printed Circuit Board at lightning speed. On PCB material the engraving time is short, the contrast is high and directly scannable with standard barcode scanners.


UV laser barcodes on printed circuit board pcb material

Laser engraving barcodes, QR codes on Printed Circuit Board

uv laser machine plastics typumber laser engraving

Laser engraving of plastics

Laser engraving of plastics

 UV laser machines are suitable for marking and laser engraving of plastics and plastics. A number of plastics can also be processed with fiber engraving lasers, but the quality of the results depends very much on the type of plastic. A UV laser machine produces a perfect and razor-sharp image with high contrast on almost all industrial plastics (3D printed materials are often difficult). Perfect for product labels, barcodes, type numbers, logos, etc. UV laser machines work quickly, with high resolution also around the edges.


Color and contrast of UV laser engravings

The contrast and precise coloring depend on the type of plastic and used filler and colorant of the base material. That is why it is advisable to always take a look at what the result looks like on the basis of a trial engraving.


Advantage of a UV laser machine compared to a fiber laser for laser engraving plastic

The advantage of a UV laser machine for softer materials such as plastics compared to a fiber laser is that fiber lasers burn the material due to the infrared light used, causing it to bulge, with the result that the sharpness of the engraving is much less than with a UV laser machine.


Laser engraving of thin-walled glassware

A UV laser machine is also perfect for laser engraving glassware. Especially for thinner glass, a UV laser machine is superior to a fiber laser or CO2 laser machine. With glass, a UV laser will remove many smaller glass particles from the surface compared to the other two laser machines. This creates a laser engraving with a much higher accuracy and sharpness.


3D laser head

To engrave round, curved objects or objects with height differences, a UV laser can also be equipped with a 3D head. This allows the focus height to be adjusted during the engraving process.


High resolution glass engraving with UV laser pattern

Laser engraving wine glasses with UV laser machine

Laser engraving wine glasses with UV laser machine

Laser power & work surface

RFH supplies the UV engraving machine with a laser power of 3 Watt as standard. This UV engraving machine comes with two lenses, one that gives you a work surface of 100 x 100mm and one for a work surface of 200 x 200mm. With the larger work surface, the laser power is projected over a larger area, so that the laser power per unit area is lower. We are happy to help you choose the right power and work surface for your application.


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