3W,5W,10W uv laser

Was sind die Eigenschaften einer 10-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine?

Oct 20 , 2021

What are the characteristics of 10W UV laser marking machine


Companies will choose to put relevant signs and data on their products. Traditional equipment can no longer meet the needs of most companies. With the development of technology, laser marking machines have emerged. The surface acts on the surface, and the accuracy can even reach the millimeter level. What are the characteristics of the laser marking machine, let's take a look at it together.


355nm UV laser marking machine


The laser marking machine can mark items without contact, chemical pollution will never exist, and it will not have any impact on the environment. For the staff, as long as they don’t stare at the laser for a long time, It will not affect the health of the operator. At the same time, the laser marking machine can work on objects of any shape, whether it is round or square, it can work normally, and the effect is very good, and the laser marking machine The applicable materials are very rich. Both metal and non-metal materials can be marked. The thickness of stainless steel, paper and other materials are different, and the laser marking machine can be selected for marking. It has very good compatibility. It can be combined with other industrial equipment into a fully automated production line, and the operation is simple and convenient.


The logo printed by the laser marking machine has a very good anti-counterfeiting effect


The logo printed by the laser marking machine has a very good anti-counterfeiting effect. It is not only clear and beautiful, but also very wear-resistant. It can even be lifelong. It is difficult to smear or cover. It is important for many well-known companies to prevent counterfeiting. The core of a high-quality laser marking machine is the laser, which has a very long service life, which can be used normally for more than 20,000 hours. The later maintenance and use cost of the laser marking machine is relatively low. The marking machine can be formed at one time, and the speed is high, the efficiency is high, and the power consumption is very low, but the purchase cost of the laser marking machine is higher than that of the traditional The later maintenance cost of coding equipment is relatively low, and the use of laser marking machine is relatively more cost-effective.

UV-Laser  | grüner Laser  | UV-Laser  | UV-DPSS-Laser  | Nanosekundenlaser  | UV-Laserquelle  | Festkörperlaser

Die Laserbeschriftungsmaschine hat auch eine sehr hohe Verarbeitungseffizienz


Die Laserbeschriftungsmaschine hat auch eine sehr hohe Verarbeitungseffizienz. Bei der Steuerung der Steuerung kann die Geschwindigkeit des Laserstrahls sogar Zehntausende von Millimetern pro Sekunde betragen, und die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit ist sehr schnell. Es dauert nur wenige Sekunden für die normale industrielle Verarbeitung, um die Verarbeitung abzuschließen. , Es kann computergesteuert mit der effizienteren Montagelinie zusammenarbeiten, und die Verarbeitungseffizienz kann auch bei hoher Geschwindigkeit verbessert werden. Darüber hinaus ist die Energie der Lasermarkiermaschine Elektrizität, die in verschiedenen Größen verfügbar ist, eine relativ kleine Fläche hat und eine starke Anpassungsfähigkeit an die Umgebung hat. Es kann in fast jeder Umgebung verwendet werden.


In Bezug auf die Eigenschaften der Laserbeschriftungsmaschine hat dieser Artikel bereits eine ausführliche Einführung durchgeführt, ich hoffe, dieser Artikel kann Ihnen helfen.

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