3W,5W,10W uv laser

Welches Material kann mit einer 355-nm-UV-Laserquelle markiert werden?

Aug 01 , 2022

What material can 355nm UV laser mark


Lasers are one of the great inventions of mankind since the 20th century, after nuclear energy, computers, and semiconductors. With the rapid development of science and technology, the laser field has developed rapidly. It can be used in industry, agriculture, measurement, detection, communication, information processing, medical treatment, military and other aspects, greatly improving the productivity of society.


Under the current trend of rapid development, in order to better adapt to the market, many enterprises often endow new products with new values ​​through technological reforms. At the same time, in order to meet people's individual needs for commodities, and to reduce production costs, beautiful design, individual trademarks, etc., the unique advantages of ultraviolet lasers have been widely used in various micro-processing industries.



So if you want to have a stable and fine marking effect, first of all, the laser must be stable enough. For example, the TR-W-UV03 ultraviolet laser of Gelai Laser is 355nm, with excellent and stable beam quality (M2<1.5), and has been strictly monitored in all frequency ranges. At the same time, its pulse width is short (<15ns@30KHz), and its spot characteristics (spot ellipticity>90%) can be controlled by Rs232 remote computer, which can ensure fine marking effect.


egg marking


Now we find that many eggs sold in large supermarkets are marked with signs indicating where the eggs come from! The engraving is clear, and its traces cannot be erased without destroying the surface quality. In fact, it is processed by ultraviolet laser, which is simple and convenient, and can realize flow operation.


3C material marking


With the advent of the 5G era, the development of the 3C industry (computer, communication and consumer electronic products) will be accelerated. At the same time, 3C electronic products will be upgraded in the direction of high integration and high precision, and the internal components of their products will become smaller and smaller. , the precision and electronic integration are getting higher and higher. In product development, the pursuit of lighter, thinner, and more portable designers has led to new materials. The laser can be used for text generation, pattern generation, bar code, two-dimensional code, etc., and can be controlled by computer remotely, which can well meet various proofing needs.


metal craft


The daily use of stainless steel chopsticks, knives and forks, spoons, bracelets, rings and other metal utensils, practical or simple decoration can no longer meet people's current needs. Try and think about it, if you add an artistic beauty to ordinary tableware, such as text or pattern modification, etc., it is estimated that it can make people more fond of it, and the valuation can also be improved a lot.


Precision proofing


In der Vergangenheit wurden beim Anschauen von Filmen viele verborgene Geheimnisse in Anhänger eingraviert. Solche Szenen kommen sehr häufig vor. Die Worte im Kristall sind mit bloßem Auge nicht zu sehen, und das Geheimnis kann nur unter dem Mikroskop entdeckt werden. Damals habe ich mich oft gefragt, wie ich jedes Wort oder jede Rune auf das daumengroße Ornament bringen kann? Der UV-Laser wird vom Computer ferngesteuert, und es kann ein präziser Proof realisiert werden, je nachdem, was Sie beschreiben möchten.


Durch das Anbringen Ihres eigenen einzigartigen Logos auf dem Produkt können die Verbraucher nicht nur die Herkunft des Produkts erkennen und nachverfolgen, sondern auch die verschiedenen Bedenken der Verbraucher beim Konsum zerstreuen. Ein guter Laser muss also neben der Funktionsvielfalt auch eine lange Lebensdauer und Langlebigkeit aufweisen. Schließlich liegt der Preis von UV-Lasern in den Tausenden oder sogar Zehntausenden, und die Lasermarkierung ist eine Branche mit kleinen Gewinnen, aber schnellen Umsätzen. Daher ist die mechanische Leistung des Lasers nur zuverlässig, wenn der Laser lange Zeit stabil arbeitet.

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