10W-15W uv laser

Laser hat die Ära des Handwerks verändert. Kennen Sie diese Lasergravuren nicht?

Aug 10 , 2021

Die Laser-Innengravur ersetzt die traditionelle Innengravur, um unvermeidlich zu werden

In den letzten Jahren hat die Zunahme des Pro-Kopf-Einkommens durch die rasante wirtschaftliche Entwicklung das Konsumniveau der Menschen stark verbessert. Im Bereich des Konsums von Industrieprodukten streben die Menschen nach exquisiten und hochwertigen Produkten, die soziale Nachfrage steigt allmählich und das innere Schnitzen entstand.

Beim traditionellen internen Schnitzprozess müssen die Menschen das Produkt oft meißeln, innen schnitzen und schließlich professionellen spurlosen Kleber zum Kleben verwenden. Trotz der hervorragenden Fähigkeiten verursachte es immer noch Schäden am Kunsthandwerk und beeinträchtigte die Schönheit ernsthaft. Darüber hinaus war die Produktionseffizienz gering und das traditionelle Innenschnitzen verschwand allmählich aus der Sicht der Menschen

Die Laser-Innenschnitzerei hat jedoch ein Paar "perspektivische Augen", die in das Innere des Handwerks eindringen können, um es herauszufinden. Wenn Sie die Außenseite der lasergeschnitzten Produkte genau beobachten, werden Sie feststellen, dass innen und außen keine Spur von "Schnitzmessern" zu sehen ist.

Das Laser-Innenschnitzen ist das Produkt der Zeit und die Kristallisation menschlicher Weisheit

In addition, traditional internal carving tests the skills of craftsmen, so it is easy to have different product quality. Furthermore, under the impetuous social atmosphere, it is difficult for the new generation of young people to calm down and learn a skill. The technical inheritance of traditional internal carving is facing difficulties, while the handicrafts produced by laser internal carving are easy to operate and consistent. Laser engraving: the crystallization of science and technology

How is laser engraving realized?

In fact, it is also very simple. When the energy density of the laser is greater than a certain critical value (or threshold) to destroy the glass, the laser can penetrate the glass and enter the interior.

The energy density of a laser at a certain point is related to the size of its spot at that point. For the same laser, the smaller the spot, the greater the energy density. In this way, through proper focusing, the energy density of the laser can be lower than the damage threshold of the glass before entering the glass and reaching the processing area. The laser generates pulses in a very short time, and its energy can instantly heat and crack the crystal, so as to produce tiny white spots and carve a predetermined shape inside the glass, The rest of the glass or crystal remains intact.

Special equipment for glass engraving - RFH S9 series pulsed UV solid state laser.

S9 UV laser This machine has a laser wavelength of 354.7nm and a wide coverage of repetition frequency (single pulse to 200kHz). When the laser beam is used for curve engraving in the product, it has no dust, volatile substances, emissions and consumables, does not pollute the external environment, and is easy to be absorbed, The characteristics of the short ultraviolet wavelength of this machine have advantages over the mechanical microprocessing of nonmetals and polymers. It can be focused on points of submicron order, so it can also be widely used in the processing of fine parts.

laser engraving creates your own pattern

In addition, laser engraving is based on accurate numerical control technology. Even internal materials will melt and gasify instantly under the irradiation of laser, and carve exquisite three-dimensional or plane patterns customized by users. RFH S9 series UV solid-state lasers can also control the quality of each product through preset in advance, so you can give full play to it, Create your own graphic

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