Der neue Infrarot-Laser von RFH kommt im Bereich Tastaturlack-Peeling zum Einsatz
Aug 26 , 2021With the widespread use of computers in our lives, work, and studies, the design of keyboards also has broader possibilities. Keyboards with different usages such as office, games, drawing, etc. emerge in endlessly, but they always need to peel off the paint and mark letters on the keyboard.
Mr. Wu from Sichuan is a designer of a new keyboard factory. His newly designed keyboard has very strict marking and peeling paint requirements. After opening the keyboard, he hopes to show the effect of colored light beams. In order to solve the production technical problems, he came Go to RFH for investigation and research.
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The sales staff of RFH received Mr. Wu sincerely, and recommended to him the latest infrared laser developed by RFH. Unlike ultraviolet lasers, infrared lasers are a more extensive laser source for material processing, and they are also quite stable during use.
The RFH infrared laser uses extremely tiny light spots during the paint peeling process to peel the paint one by one on the keyboard surface. It is very friendly to materials such as plastics that are easily deformed by the influence of high temperature. The extremely small thermal effect makes this operation process reduce consumables. .
Darüber hinaus ist der Infrarotlaser sehr einfach zu bedienen und kann 24 Stunden lang ununterbrochen betrieben werden. Es hat sich in Bezug auf Zeit, Platz und Arbeitskosten erheblich verbessert. Es eignet sich sehr gut für die neu gestaltete Tastatur von Mr. Wu, um Farbe abzuziehen.
Als Unternehmen, das seit mehr als zehn Jahren Laser erforscht, hat sich RFH nie vor schwierigeren Bearbeitungsformen und anspruchsvolleren Markierungsanforderungen gescheut und ist immer auf dem Weg zu höherer Qualität, breiterer Anwendung und schnellerem RFH.