UV-Laserschneidglas kann den Bereich der Schneidkantensplitterung effektiv reduzieren
Aug 12 , 2021
As we all know, glass is fragile and easily affected by external forces, so it has very high requirements on glass perforation technology.
The RFH UV laser S9 reduces the diameter of the spot to the micron level to obtain a high-density laser, which can be drilled on almost any material, such as ceramics, glass, etc., and has a small hole diameter and a fast drilling speed, high efficiency, with advanced technology, not only can achieve efficient glass cutting and drilling, but also can effectively reduce the range of cutting edge chipping and internal cracks to ensure the strength of the glass.
RFH S9 series uv lasers have good beam quality and a smaller focused spot, so that the material is quickly heated to the vaporization temperature and evaporates to form holes. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, safety, stability, and easy operation.
Darüber hinaus hat der UV-Laser S9 ein breites Anwendungsspektrum, z. B. in der Mobiltelefonindustrie, 3C-Elektronik, Unterhaltungselektronik, Smart Homes, intelligente Klimaanlagen, High-End-Glaswaren, Linsen, Weingläser, Kristallgläser und Dosen nicht nur außen markieren, es kann auch innen schnitzen.
UV-Laser | grüner Laser | UV-Laser | UV-DPSS-Laser | Nanosekundenlaser | UV-Laserquelle | Festkörperlaser