Einführung in den relevanten Betriebsprozess der Nanosekunden-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine
Oct 14 , 2021
Einführung in den relevanten Betriebsprozess der Nanosekunden-UV- Laserbeschriftungsmaschine 1. Vor dem Start: Bevor Sie die Maschine starten, reinigen Sie bitte die Arbeitsfläche, überprüfen Sie, ob die Laserbeschriftungsmaschine sicher geerdet ist, und überprüfen Sie das Netzkabel der Markierungsmaschine, um die Verbindung korrekt und zuverlässig herzustellen. Laserbeschriftungsmas...
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Wie werden die Parameter der 3-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine angepasst?
Oct 15 , 2021
How to adjust the parameters of 3W uv laser marking machine? In contemporary society, the use of marking machines is becoming more and more widespread. In fact, many things around us have the shadow of laser marking machines. The patterns of many objects are only completed by laser marking machines, so marking Many people love and pay attention to the machine, and many users will also have ...
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Analyse der spezifischen Vorteile einer 5-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine
Oct 15 , 2021
Analysis of the specific advantages of 5W UV laser marking machine In our daily life, we can see the products of laser marking technology everywhere, from airplanes and automobiles to mobile phone chargers, etc., which are all products of laser marking. In industrial production, there are many types of laser marking machines, including ultraviolet lasers. The price of the marking machine is...
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Warum ist der Preis einer UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine teuer?
Oct 15 , 2021
Why is the price of UV laser marking machine expensive? As we all know, there are many types of laser marking machines. The ordinary laser marking machines not only have a cheap price, and have a working time of up to 100,000 hours. They also have relatively low environmental requirements. However, the UV laser marking machine not only has a service life Short, high environmental requiremen...
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Einführung in das Prinzip und die Vorteile der 10-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine
Oct 15 , 2021
Einführung in das Prinzip und die Vorteile der 10-W-UV- Laserbeschriftungsmaschine 1. Einführung in das Prinzip der UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine Der Reaktionsmechanismus der Ultraviolett-Laserbearbeitung wird durch photochemische Ablation realisiert, d. h. auf Laserenergie angewiesen, um die Bindungen zwischen Atomen oder Molekülen aufzubrechen, so dass sie zu kleinen Molekülen werd...
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Was sind die Vorteile einer 3-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine?
Oct 15 , 2021
What are the advantages of 3W UV laser marking machine As we all know, laser marking machines are currently widely used in the market, and UV laser marking machines as one of them are well received by the market. However, some people do not understand the advantages of UV laser marking machines, only those who really understand The advantages of the equipment can make the best use of the st...
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Warum 355-nm-UV-Lasermarkiermaschinen immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit erregen
Oct 15 , 2021
Why 355nm UV laser marking machine is getting more and more attention I believe everyone is no stranger to UV laser machines. UV laser marking machines have various aliases such as UV ultraviolet laser marking machines and ultraviolet laser marking machines. The laser beam is mainly used by photochemical ablation to act on the surface of the object to be coded. Permanent marking can break t...
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Zwei Faktoren, die den Preis einer 5-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine beeinflussen
Oct 15 , 2021
Two factors affecting the price of 5W UV laser marking machine With the increase of the laser marking processing market, the demand for UV laser marking machines is also increasing day by day, and marking machine manufacturers are emerging in endlessly, and the prices of UV laser marking machines vary widely. What factors affect the price? Let’s share with you. UV laser marking machi...
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Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen einer 3-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine und einer Faserlaserbeschriftungsmaschine?
Oct 18 , 2021
What are the differences between 3W UV laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine With the development of the laser industry in recent years, laser equipment has been applied to more and more fields, but for many users, the understanding of laser marking machine equipment is not comprehensive enough. They only understand the fur but do not know the connotation. As a professional ...
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Einführung in die Wartungsmethode "Alter reduzieren" für 5-W-UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine
Oct 18 , 2021
Einführung in die Wartungsmethode "Alter reduzieren" für 5-W-UV- Laserbeschriftungsmaschine Erstens erfordert der Wasserschutz häufige Inspektionen und Reinigungen. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Qualität des Kühlwassers gut ist. Wenn die Wasserqualität nicht gut ist, führt dies zu einer Ansammlung von Aluminiumoxid im Wasserhahn. Nach einer gewissen Nutzungsdauer ist es notwendig, di...
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Warum sollten Sie sich für das Schneiden von Wafern für eine 10-W-UV-Laserschneidmaschine entscheiden?
Oct 18 , 2021
Why choose wafer cutting for 10W UV laser cutting machine? Most semiconductor materials of ultraviolet laser cutting machine have good absorption of light in the ultraviolet band. Take the absorption of monocrystalline silicon in different wavelength bands as an example. When the semiconductor material is processed by laser in the ultraviolet band, due to the narrow focus spot of ultraviole...
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Beschreiben Sie kurz die Anwendung einer 15-W-Hochleistungs-Ultraviolett-Laserschneidmaschine in der High-End-Industrie
Oct 18 , 2021
Briefly describe the application of 15W high power ultraviolet laser cutting machine in high-end industry At present, with the gradual maturity and stability of ultraviolet lasers, the laser processing industry has shifted from infrared lasers to ultraviolet lasers. At the same time, the application of ultraviolet lasers is becoming more and more popular, and laser applications are moving t...
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